Gurney Journey: The CIA funded abstract art during the Cold War

The mixing of two of my favorite subjects, art and history. This is a very interesting blog post by James Gurney. The concept that the government actually endorsed abstract painting to make the USA seem even more different than the communists is really thought provoking.
I mean, it makes sense since we have changed other things in the US throughout history to set ourselves a part from those regions of the world. The prohibition era for example -alcohol was a huge part of European culture generally speaking but especially in Russia and Germany. We also changed the pledge of allegiance in 1954 to include the "under god" to distance ourselves from the "godless" Soviet Union. It stands to reason that the art of the time would be a statement as well, even if it was a blazing failure with the american public.

Gurney Journey: The CIA funded abstract art during the Cold War: Former CIA agents have admitted what investigators have long suspected: that the US Government used taxpayer money to promote abstract paint...

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