I guess the first blog post should really be my introduction to the web world. Hello, my name is Jynette Tigner; I am currently residing in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am pretty excited to finish my Illustration degree at Salt Lake Community College this spring. Other than art I love rock climbing, reading, and coffee. I have a great support system in my significant other, friends, and family; honestly could not have made it as far as I have without them.  
 Though I am an Illustration major and that is my passion, I love design and type so I take nearly as many of those classes as I do for my Illustration emphasis. Painting and sketching are my strengths; I love to tell a great story. My biggest weakness, hopefully I can improve on this, is website design… I’m clueless when it comes to the web, html, CSS and all the confusing things.
So welcome to my blog; where I will be posting my progress, inspirations, and commentary of the art world as a brand new illustrator/designer. Any feedback is welcome and encouraged.     

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